Maxmonte Guitars

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Mercoledì, 10 Luglio 2013 12:13

Pietro Nobile and Danube

At the ADGPA 2013 convention maestro Pietro Nobile tried the new Danube model. Even with such a big body the sound is balanced for fingerpicking and subtle nuances. In the capable hands of Pietro the guitar really sang!

Mercoledì, 10 Luglio 2013 10:11

Muriel Anderson - View from space

At the closing event for the 2012 Acoustic Franciacorta Muriel Anderson borrowed a Maxmonte harp guitar since hers got lost in transit :(

The concert was fantastic! And Muriel used the harp guitar for the rest of her Italian tour... A very special thanks to the owner Roberto Zanolli for lending it to her!

Mercoledì, 10 Luglio 2013 10:09

Gabriele Posenato on Harp guitar

Gabriele Posenato tries the HG2 @ Acoustic Franciacorta 2011

Martedì, 09 Luglio 2013 18:10

What's on the bench

Other than the usual unhealty clutter of tools and things... I have some guitars on the bench! I am finishig a new jumbo acoustic, a Danube model, and a custom hollowbody electric. Both are turning out great!

Stephen takes delivery of his Cedar/Indian Rosewood Columbia model. This particular guitar has a very responsive top that goes perfectly with Stephen's playing style and as always it's a pleasure to listen to him play!

Martedì, 16 Luglio 2013 00:00

"Smoking" harp guitar

When faced with adversities... call a friend! And since Matteo did not know what to do with the portable harp guitar... Andrea came to the rescue for a funny duet of Matteo's arrangement of the classic "smoke on the water".

Not the best performance ever, but fun non the less!

Martedì, 09 Luglio 2013 17:50

Muriel Anderson - summer morning rain

Martedì, 09 Luglio 2013 15:53

Muriel Anderson @ Festival due Città

Muriel Played a series of concerts in Italy in 2011 playing a Maxmonte harp guitar. This is set in Treviso at the Festival delle Due Città.

Lunedì, 08 Luglio 2013 16:30

Tommy Emmanuel

This was a surprise... I knew Stephen Bennet was playing a few concerts with his Maxmonte, which he calls "The Max", but the picture his wife sent me was a bit... shocking! 

Lunedì, 08 Luglio 2013 16:27

Stephen Bennett and "The Max"

A Columbia model ended up in the VERY capable hands of none the less than Stephen Bennett!

Stephen and his wife Nancy came over for dinner while in Italy for Stephen's EU tour, and he fell in love with a cedar topped Columbia... and took it home! 

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