Maxmonte Guitars

Guitarmaking tools for the professional luthier!


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The UnTangler is a specialized rotary tool attachment, used to clean up the remainder of the fret tang, after it has been clipped away with a nipper.  It is designed to leave a very slight hollow grind, so the fret overhang can sit perfeclty on the fretboard binding. And it…
€150,00 €120,00
An updated take on a Frank Ford's idea, the Roto-sander allows you to clean up inside instruments... from the outside! No more squeezing your forearm through the soundhole or fumbling around with strange sanding blocks. Stick your favourite sandpaper to the sanding puck, place it inside the instrument and mate…
Another simple but very effective tool, this conical sander puts a perfect chamfer on the inside (and outside if you wish) of the soundhole. Just use a few strips of adhesive sandpaper (I use 220 grit) and chuck it in a drill at low speed. A liddle goes a long…
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