Maxmonte Guitars



Right after the harp guitar was finished and I posted the pics on the site I started getting messages and thumbs up! What a day.
In the meanwhile Francesco is playing on it 12 hours a day, taking it everywhere, skipping breakfast to play...

I am really happy for him, it seems like he is bonding with a new friend :)
And I got an email from Gregg Miner, the president of the Harp Guitar Foundation, who was sent a picture by Stephen Bennett (thanks Stephen!) and wanted to write a blog post about Francesco and the HG1L and put me up on the harp guitar luthiers' page! What an incredible honor for me.
Here is the link to the post.
So... I am so hyped up that I started HG2! The mad plan is to finish it in time for the Sarzana Festival... it will be crazy! But I have all the wood I need, except for the soundboard... but I am working on it! Stay tuned...

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FaLang translation system by Faboba

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These are the shell types and sizes we normally have in stock. However, it is possible to get all the different combinations made by AST as a custom order. Check the AST website for all available options. Please be warned that due to exporting restrictions, custom orders will take extra time to get delivered, being usually included in the regular inventory shipments.

Feel free to contact me for further information and details.