Maxmonte Guitars


A night in Venice

locandina m'interest

And so it was that I had a night out in Venice with my wife... to talk about guitars!

I was invited to give a presentation on what goes on in the weird connection between a luthier's head and his hands. Two old friends of mine planned a series of presentations on the value of artisanal work and the creative process behind it: boat building, hair dressing, wine making, beer brewing... and guitar making.
So, after leaving the kids with the baby sitter, we drove to Mestre to catch a train to Venice, and walked our way to Campo San Polo (thank you GPS!!!).

The venue was simple and cozy, it used to be Venice's Communist party's headquarter, and it did nothing to hide it  :) There were some intriguing paintings on the walls. Anyway... hour hosts were extremely nice and we had a very good dinner (from some middle-eastern restaurant in the area... yummy!).

When everybody had gathered (about 30 poor souls oblivious of what was to come) I started talking about guitars and guitar making... I mean, can you imagine? I was there with people willing to listen to my ramblings about wood, design, glue, strings and all the rest that goes with it.

Nobody fell asleep... or tried to hit me with the guitar I brought along, which is usally a good sign. They actually had questions at the end... and I seemed confident enough to answer them all. All in all I have to say it was a success, also thanks to my awesome Amy and her help with the slideshow!

And... we couldn't hope for a better ending: having pity on Amy's high heels they offered us a ride back to the station. And a ride in Venice can only mean one thing, and it does not have wheels! It was the best boat ride ever! At night, in absolute silence, through the deserted canals of Venice, with only the distand sounds of some carnival parties here and there and the splash of the ore. Magical!

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These are the shell types and sizes we normally have in stock. However, it is possible to get all the different combinations made by AST as a custom order. Check the AST website for all available options. Please be warned that due to exporting restrictions, custom orders will take extra time to get delivered, being usually included in the regular inventory shipments.

Feel free to contact me for further information and details.