Maxmonte Guitars


Summer 2017 and upcoming shows

Well, here we are... the updates on this blog are as sparse as the hair on my head these days. With facebook and the likes I end up posting more on social platforms than here... but it's good to add some updates every now and then.

So what have I been up to? The workshop had some major upgrades, I sorted out all my wood stash to make sure I was ok with new CITES rosewood regulations, and I started building a few new models for the upcoming shows.

I'll be exhibiting in Cremona at Mondomusica (sept 29th - oct 1st) where I'll also be on translation duties for the luthiers' seminar with buddy Jason Kostal

For my american friends, I'll be at the Woodstock invitational luthiers shocase in the fall, oct 27-29, and I just received confermation that I have been accepted at the Holy Grail Show in Berlin, may 2018.

Come see me and my guitars!

IMG 0887

FaLang translation system by Faboba

ZipFlex can only be shipped within the EU

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These are the shell types and sizes we normally have in stock. However, it is possible to get all the different combinations made by AST as a custom order. Check the AST website for all available options. Please be warned that due to exporting restrictions, custom orders will take extra time to get delivered, being usually included in the regular inventory shipments.

Feel free to contact me for further information and details.